1 BSREC95V2 9 50 10 PLEXTOR 11 CD-R PX-R412C 12 137 13 11 14 143 20 MATSHITA 21 CD-R CW-7502 22 35 23 11 24 15 30 YAMAHA 31 CRW4416S 32 512 33 11 34 19 40 PLEXTOR 41 CD-R PX-R820T 42 2048 43 57 44 15 50 TEAC 51 CD-R56S 52 8192 53 16 54 207 60 PHILIPS 61 ReWritable-2x2x6 62 27 63 3 64 19 70 PLEXTOR 71 CD-R PX-W4220T 72 2048 73 11 74 211 80 MELCO 81 CDRW-S4224 82 8192 83 11 84 19 90 RICOH 91 CD-R/RW MP7040S 92 2048 93 11 94 211 100 RICOH 101 CD-R/RW RW7040S 102 2048 103 11 104 211 110 TEAC 111 CD-R58S 112 8192 113 57 114 207 120 MATSHITA 121 CDRRW01 122 2048 123 11 124 211 130 MITSBISHI 131 CDRW4420 132 2048 133 11 134 211 140 AOpen 141 CRW9420S 142 2048 143 11 144 211 150 Delta 151 OIP-RW2004/B 152 2048 153 11 154 211 160 Actima 161 ARW4420S 162 2048 163 11 164 211 170 Memorex 171 CDRW-4420s 172 2048 173 11 174 211 180 RICOH 181 CD-R/RW MP8040S 182 2048 183 11 184 19 190 HP 191 CD-Writer+ M820 192 2048 193 11 194 211 200 MATSHITA 201 CD-R CW-7503 202 2048 203 57 204 195 210 PLEXTOR 211 CD-R PX-W8220T 212 2048 213 57 214 211 220 YAMAHA 221 CRW6416S 222 512 223 16 224 19 230 RICOH 231 CD-R/RW RW7060S 232 8335 233 16 234 211 240 RICOH 241 CD-R/RW MP7060S 242 8335 243 16 244 211 250 JVC 251 XR-W4080S 252 8335 253 11 254 211 260 JVC 261 XR-W4082S 262 8335 263 11 264 211 270 TOSHIBA 271 IPC5025A 272 2048 273 11 274 211 280 YAMAHA 281 CRW8424S 282 8192 283 57 284 19 290 PLEXTOR 291 CD-R PX-W124T 292 131072 293 128 294 211 300 RICOH 301 CD-R/RW MC104S 302 2048 303 11 304 211 310 RICOH 311 CD-R/RW RW104S 312 2048 313 11 314 211 320 SAF 321 CD-RW4420J5 322 2048 323 11 324 211 330 YAMAHA 331 CRW8824S 332 8192 333 57 334 211 340 IODATA 341 CDRW-SX64 342 131072 343 16 344 211 350 RICOH 351 CD-R/RW MC106S 352 8335 353 16 354 211 355 1 360 RICOH 361 CD-R/RW RW106S 362 8335 363 16 364 211 365 1 370 SONY 371 CD-RW CRX140S 372 131072 373 57 374 211 380 RICOH 381 CD-R/RW MP7122SE 382 131072 383 128 384 211 390 PLEXTOR 391 CD-R PX-W1210S 392 131072 393 128 394 211 400 YAMAHA 401 CRW2100S 402 2097152 403 512 404 211 410 TEAC 411 CD-W512SB 412 131072 413 128 414 211 420 IODATA 421 CDRWD-RX1210J 422 131072 423 128 424 211 430 SONY 431 CD-RW CRX160S 432 131072 433 128 434 211 440 TEAC 441 CD-W516SB 442 2097152 443 512 444 211 445 1 450 YAMAHA 451 CRW2200S 452 2097152 453 2048 454 211 460 YAMAHA 461 CRW3200S 462 2097152 463 8335 464 211 470 MATSHITA 471 DVD-R SW-9501 472 1 473 1 474 526 476 DVD-R 480 IODATA 481 CRWD-RX20J 482 2097152 483 2048 484 211 490 YAMAHA 491 CRW-F1S 492 8388608 493 8388608 494 211 500 PLEXTOR 501 CD-R PX-W4012S 502 2097152 503 2097152 504 211 510 PIONEER 511 DVD-RW DVR-303 512 8335 513 57 514 211 515 1 5000 SCSI I/OtpL0zvuW0~0W0_00 5001 ~x|ng0rqsL0zvuW0~0W0_00 5002 SOpL0pu8^g0Y00 5003 NgW0j0D0}pL0zvuW0~0W0_00 5004 tp}|py}g0tpL0zvuW0~0W0_00 5005 rqsL0zvuW0~0W0_00 5006 rqsL0zvuW0~0W0_00 5007 o~p|L0bv}U00~0W0_00 5008 }~oL0zvuW0~0W0_00 5009 htpL0zvuW0~0W0_00 5010 xt}~}k01YWeW0~0W0_00 5011 NgW0j0D0SCSI I/Otpg0Y00 5050 1.hq0NcW0f0000 \n2.SCSIyp0ppp0SCSI IDn0jox0J0S0j0F00 \n3.z0r0QwRY000 \nS0000Lj0c0f009eUU00j0D04XTk0o00p{p{pk0T0#a}O0`0U0D00 7700 SCSIn0tpL0zvuW0~0W0_00 7701 tpo0V_QtU00~0W0_00 7702 rL0O(ug0M00rKag0o0B00~0[000 7703 rk0hqL0~oU00f0D0~0[000 7704 hqk0pu8^L000~0Y00 7705 psjqtpL0zvuW0~0W0_00 7706 Uc0_0SCSIzxt}L0zvLU00~0W0_00 7707 oq|nrKag0Y00 7708 xjoxrKag0Y00 7709 SCSIzo07_6RB}NW0~0W0_00 7710 pn0}pL00~0[000 7711 mpupppL0zvuW0~0W0_00 7712 [W0f0D0j0D0SCSItpg0Y00 7713 SCSIňnk0zL0b&TU00~0W0_00 7714 [W0f0D0j0D0o~p|jp}tpg0Y00 7715 SCSIňnk0pu8^L0zvuW0~0W0_0L0s0}`1Xn0S_k01YWeW0~0W0_00 7716 SCSIňnL0BUSYrKag0Y00 7717 zB}NrKag0Y00 7718 [W0f0D0j0D0}p}g0Y00 7719 S0n00000k0o0c[n0^g0fM00~0[000 7800 rk0hq0~oW0f0O0`0U0D00 7801 S0n0OUL0VY00k0o00 \n1.ؚj0ph}x0SCSIp0z0O(uY000 \n2.ph}xn0xp|n0j0O0Y00 \n3. u{r0O(uW0j0D00 7802 W0p00O0Bf0J0D0f0K00QfLW0f0O0`0U0D00 7803 1.hq0NcW0f0000 \n2.SCSIyp0pp0SCSI IDn0jox0J0S0j0F00 \n3.0000000000QwRY000 \nS0000Lj0c0f009eUU00j0D04XTk0o00p{p{pk0T0#a}O0`0U0D00 7804 Nn00000n000000O(uY00K0 \nfM00^0=h0W0f0 NU0D00 15000 A SCSI I/O error occurred. 15001 A time-out in selection has occurred. 15002 Bad condition in performing the data transfer. 15003 Unexpected bus free occurred. 15004 Target bus phase sequence failure occurred. 15005 A time-out occurred while SRB was waiting to be processed. 15006 The adapter timed out while processing SRB. 15007 The adapter received message reject status while processing SRB. 15008 A bus reset was detected. 15009 A parity error was detected. 15010 The adapter failed in issuing REQUEST SENSE. 15011 An unexpected SCSI I/O error occurred. 15050 Please check the SCSI connection: \n1. Check the SCSI cable, terminator and ID \n2. Insert another disc \n3. Restart the computer/drive. 17700 The drive has reported an error. 17701 The error was recovered. 17702 The drive is not ready. 17703 There is no disc in the drive. 17704 Disc error. 17705 Hardware error. 17706 An illegal request has been reported by SCSI command. 17707 Unit attention status. 17708 Blank check status. 17709 SCSI command has been terminated. 17710 Data transfer speed is too low. 17711 Volume overflow. 17712 An unexpected SCSI error occurred. 17713 The command has been rejected by a SCSI drive. 17714 Unexpected message phase error occurred. 17715 A drive error occurred. The detail of information could not be obtained. 17716 The SCSI drive is busy. 17717 The command was terminated. 17718 Unexpected status. 17719 The currently specified recording speed is not supported. 17800 Please insert a disc into the drive. 17801 To avoid this problem: \n1. Use a high speed CPU/HD or use a high speed host with a fast SCSI I/O \n2. Defragment the HD \n3. Do not select On-The-Fly. 17802 Please try again in a moment.. 17803 Please check the SCSI connection: \n1. Check the SCSI cable, terminator and ID \n2. Insert another disc \n3. Restart the computer/drive. 17804 Please replace the disc with media from another manufacturer, or select slower recording speed.